Of all the precious metals, Gold has been the most popular as an investment. Gold bullion comes in two forms namely Gold Bullion Bars and Bullion Coins. BLS Trade Linkers Limited, has been actively trading in Gold Bullion for many years now.
We buy and sell Gold Bullion Bars from multiple countries. Bullion bars come in many sizes ranging from a few grams to 5 kilo gram bars. We buy Bullion bars of sizes 10 grams to 500 grams, 1 Kilo Gram, 2 Kilo Gram and 5 Kilo Gram, of purity 9995 and up. We can buy 200 Kilo grams worth of Bullion daily. Our payments would be made after receiving the Assay reports from the respective refineries.Interested sellers can send there quotes on the basis of deliveries in Hong Kong and Chennai (India).
Our suppliers should ensure that their gold is assayed in the following refinery in Hong Kong, for testing the purity of precious metals prior to our payment .
Before you make your gold deliveries to the mentioned refinery, kindly take a prior consent form us. In addition, all deliveries to the refinery should be made in our company name account of "BLS TRADE LINKERS LIMITED" , and kindly fax the delivery receipt to us at +852 2722515 or Email us at anil@blshk.com for necessary action.
Country of origin and a declaration that goods are not of criminal origin by the owner is required while shipping the goods to our above refinery under our company name. Gold delivery done to our refinery will be subject to your prior acceptance of our terms and our written consent for delivery to our refinery. If any delivery of precious metal is done without out consent, it will be rejected by us and our refinery.
Refinery does the assaying of precious metals as follows:
Assay report and metal availability in 4-5 working days upon material received at our refinery.
Minimum Charges : US$800/Lot
Settlement : Pricing at Loco - London
Payment : Payment will be released in 20 minutes , upon final assay available from Refinery.
PT and PB refining charges are not included.
We also manufacture customised designed coins/medals of gold and silver with high purity.